
Possum Fur

The Brush tail Possum was introduced into New Zealand in the 1837 from Tasmania to establish a fur industry in New Zealand. The first liberations were in Riverton, Southland. With no predators, an ideal environment and a fluctuating fur industry the possum went forth and multiplied. It was deemed a pest in 1939.

In the early 1990’s came a blend of fine merino wool and possum fibre. This was the first new natural yarn to be developed in over 100 years. It is soft, lightweight and luxurious. With it came the resurgence of possum harvesting. From just a few tonne harvested  in those first years, there is now 80 to 90 tonne harvested annually with over 50 percent of that used in the domestic market. This equates to 1.5 million possum annually.

Harvesting for this purpose has a positive impact on the management of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna.

If you are a Possum Hunter, you are welcome to contact us using any of the contact details on this website or alternatively visit our Hunters Section dedicated to supporting the Possum Hunting community.