

Possum merino clothing, luxury and comfort from New Zealand to the world
The New Zealand exclusive possum merino blend yarn is a growing trend in the local and international fashion markets. The blend is known for its soft touch, warmth and resilience, bringing together the best properties of merino sheep wool and... next...
Fur clothing history – a brief introduction
Ages before fur clothing became fashionable its use was a matter of survival. The first garments that men (or early modern humans, the Cro-Magnon) produced were likely made of animal fur and hides, some 40,000 years ago, to protect themselves... next...
Luxurious retrospective: 100 years of fur in fashion
Enjoy a little trip through 100 years of fur in fashion with some of the most gorgeous and stylish women of the past century. We’ve made a small selection of fabulous women to show how fur has been used in fashion from the classics to the boldest... next...